we are...
Aggie Recruitment Committee
ARC is an SGA-sponsored, student-run organization at Texas A&M University that coordinates two conferences each school year. The two conferences, S.E.A.L and Whoopin' Weekend, are unique opportunities for high school students to experience life as a Texas A&M student. Outside of conference preparations, Aggie Recruitment Committee members create a community of their own through committee-wide social and service events.
Sharing the
with future generations of A&M students by leading them through the student experience during conferences.

Aggie Recruitment Committee members are united in their love for Texas A&M and are committed to recruiting prospective Aggies. Through conferences and outreach, we connect with high school students to share our stories. Through social and service events, we foster lifelong friendships inside the committee.

Come experience the life of an Aggie student with ARC!
Click here for up-to-date registration information:
Hey, high school students:
Hey, Texas A&M current students:
Gain leadership skills as you work with high school students and plan events
Make friends and join a community of A&M students from across all majors and backgrounds
Let your creativity shine through in the role you chose for conference
Quick Links
for current ARC members
Monthly Calendar
Points Sheet
Absence Forms
ARC shall provide potential Aggies with first-rate recruiting conferences and presence in high schools across the state and nation, while upholding the Aggie Code of Honor and maintaining a commitment to promoting a positive image of Texas A&M. ARC members shall embody the strength of character and integrity true of Texas Aggies, and contribute to the greater good of Texas A&M through dedication to recruiting future generations of Aggies.
Our Mission Statement
Our Mission Statement
Stay updated on conferences, recruitment deadlines, and all of our exciting events in Aggie Recruitment Committee!